#BellLetsTalk Mental Health Awareness

Today is a very important day. Today is #BellLetsTalk in support of mental health awareness. So many people around us suffer in silence, whether it be because they have no one to talk to, or they think they have no one to talk to, or because they believe there is no cure for their suffering, or simply by being afraid of being judged.

I’m a pretty private person and I don’t like to share too much about my personal life but today is a special day and I think it’s important to share with you something personal and close to my heart. This is the story of a close friend of mine who passed away few years ago. He was suffering in silence like so many. I could tell something was wrong and I tried to reach out. It’s never an easy situation and it’s always pretty delicate. I had a bad feeling down in my gut that something terrible would happen. One night I finally convinced him to go out, I thought it would do him some good….and so we did. That night, I felt like he was saying his goodbyes and it wasn’t feeling right. Sure enough, few weeks later, he took his life. It totally broke my heart, but what was even more devastating…it was a murder/suicide. He was an amazing guy, he was just in a bad place and the day he decided to take his life, someone was unfortunately at the wrong place at the wrong time but I know it never was his intention to take someone else’s life with him. I’ve rarely shared this story because it really broke me to pieces. I blamed myself for a very long time for not having done more to help him.

I unfortunately have lived another similar situation sometime after, another murder/suicide. I know several people suffering from mental illnesses. We will all at some point in our lives be mentally exhausted.

My message today goes to everyone out there suffering in silence, for anyone feeling depressed, suffering from anxiety, OCD, or any other kind of mental illness and everyone feeling lost and down. If you need help please talk about it, whether it be a friend, a teacher, a parent, a professional, anyone…just talk about it! Know you are not alone and there is help out there.

I blamed myself thinking I didn’t do enough for my friend. I know now that I did what I could and there was nothing more I could do if he didn’t want to be helped. Hence why I truly encourage anyone suffering to reach out and seek help. Reach out and someone will be there!

There will always be a tear falling down my face for him and I will never be tearless – tears are actually rolling down my face as I’m writing this. Know that when you are suffering, people can feel it and people that love you are suffering with you. Please ask for help and know that you are loved, you are cared for! You are NOT alone!!!!! #BellLetsTalk #MentalHealth #YouAreNotAlone


Much Love,

